Beco Bermüller

PEGASTONE Natural Stone Surfacing

PEGASTONE ist ein ortsgebundener Bodenbelag mit vielseitigen Gestaltungs­möglichkeiten von Außenflächen, unter anderem für Gastronomie, Unternehmen sowie öffentliche und halböffentliche Bereiche.

The attractive natural stone surfacing, made of high-quality stone granulate and a special, solvent-free binder, is laid on site without any joints. It creates a firm and hard-wearing surface – ideal for creating paths, gardens and patios.

With PEGASTONE, architects, authorities and building owners opt to invest in durable and easy-care outdoor surfaces right from the start.

Natursteinbelag außen

Your advantages

Beco Hand

Diverse design possibilities


Flat, barrier-free surface


Excellent weather resistance


A complete system environmentally compatible and with a long service life


Slip-resistant and barrier-free

Unbound surfaces on public paths and restaurant patios can quickly become a slipping hazard or an obstacle for wheelchairs and prams. PEGASTONE bound surfaces, on the other hand, are reliably slip resistant and ensure a high degree of accessibility. Tyres and wheels grip well on the surface, so that pushchairs, wheelchairs and rollators, for example, can move along unhindered.

Professional installation on site

The Jointless PEGASTONE Natural Stone Surfacing werden während der Projektumsetzung vor Ort von erfahrenen Verlegeteams nach den Vorgaben von Planern und Auftrag­gebern eingebaut. Das hochwertige Steingranulat aus abgerundetem Marmor ist mit umweltschonendem Spezialbindemittel fixiert und erzeugt durch seine unterschiedliche Körnung eine edle Optik.

naturstein bodenbelag

Safety with style

PEGASTONE has the ideal properties for use in outdoor areas. The coarse-grained structure of the granulate compound ensures that water always drains away from the surface, aided by a free-draining substructure or by an appropriate surface gradient. This reduces the growth of slippery moss and the build-up of dirt. PEGASTONE Natural Stone Surfacing stone surface is therefore particularly easy to maintain and extremely weatherproof. BECO BERMÜLLER’s high quality standards and many years of experience in the field of in-situ surfacing for play and leisure areas ensure that the construction work runs smoothly and optimum results are achieved.

Durable overall concept

Permanent use and exposure to the weather place a considerable strain on public paths and plazas. PEGASTONE excels here, with a particularly durable formulation. The natural stone granulate forms a solid, hard-wearing surface that is also easy to clean. Regular hosing down with a high-pressure water jet is all it takes – a further bonus for the environment, since no cleaning agents are required. With PEGASTONE , you are investing in a durable, environmentally-friendly and attractive landscape design.


High-quality surfacing materials add the finishing touch to modern, aesthetically pleasing and near-natural exterior designs. At the same time, barriers and tripping hazards must be reduced to a minimum, and the safety requirements of each project must be taken into account. This poses a challenge for architects, authorities and building owners alike. PEGASTONE respected these aspects and united them in an innovative product that opens up great potential for creative design.

Permanently cost-effective surfaces

sparenPatios, paths and forecourts are often constructed with loose, unbound material. The disadvantage: The small stones can soon become a slipping hazard and severely impair the movement of wheels – on wheelchairs, rollators or pushchairs, for example. Loose surfacing materials also need to be regularly raked and often need replacing. This results in on-going costs for maintenance and care.

PEGASTONE on the other hand, stays firmly in place, thanks to its bound natural-stone granulate, and suffers practically no surface wear during normal use.

Low costs for care and maintenance

geringer aufwandPEGASTONE surfaces are distinguished by their long service life. Superficial soiling – with leaves, soil or twigs, for example – can be easily removed with a broom. Due to the porous surface structure, moss growth is kept to a minimum. For stubborn dirt, such as bird excrement, we recommend using a high-pressure cleaner with a lance to clean the surface. Alternatively, we also offer specialist cleaning and maintenance services.


    steinteppich verlegen

    Single-layer structure

    1. PEGASTONE Natural Stone Surfacing (15 – 20mm)
    2. Bound sub-base layer
    steinteppich boden

    Two-layer structure

    1. PEGASTONE Natural Stone Surfacing surface course (10 mm)
    2. PEGASTONE Natural Stone Surfacing base course (20 mm)
    3. Bound sub-base layer

    PEGASTONE surfaces are easy to maintain and cost-efficient and thus the perfect choice for patios, paths, balconies, stairs, public spaces and the outdoor areas of:

    • Schools und childcare facilities 
    • Playgrounds
    • Hospitals and healthcare facilities
    • Retirement and care homes
    • Dementia-friendly gardens
    • Office buildings and company premises
    • Hotels and restaurants
    • Roof gardens
    • Gardens and parks
    • Pedestrian zones
    • Areas around the base of trees
    • Amusement parks
    • Swimming Pools
    • Golf courses
    • Multisport fields
    • Outdoor gyms


    With PEGASTONE Nature Stone Surfacingyou can add visible value to the surfaces of your construction project. And you can select the colours that match your individual design concept. We offer you nine standard colours to choose from. Naturally, we can also mix special colours to meet your specific requirements. Just give us a call. 

    Steinteppich Bianco Zandobbio

    Bianco Zandobbio

    Steinteppich Bianco Carrara

    Bianco Carrara

    Steinteppich Ice Blue

    Ice Blue

    Steinteppich Arabescato


    Steinteppich Occhialino


    Steinteppich Nero Ebano

    Nero Ebano

    Steinteppich Rosa Corallo

    Rosa Corallo

    Steinteppich Botticino


    Steinteppich Verde Alpi

    Verde Alpi

    Steinteppich Grigio Carnico

    Grigio Carnico

    Steinteppich Rosso Levanto

    Rosso Levanto

    Steinteppich Marrone


    Steinteppich Giallo Siena

    Giallo Siena

    Steinteppich Rosso Verona

    Rosso Verona

    Installation instructions


    PEGASTONE Natural Stone Surfacing is installed only by experienced and specialised PEGASTONE installers. The installation companies authorised by BECO BERMÜLLER always carry out the installation work meticulously, professionally and cost-effectively.

    As a service provider, we offer clients, designers and contractors a comprehensive package:

    1. Expert advice during the planning phase
    2. Fulfilment of the orders with perfect workmanship and expertise
    3. Hochwertige Steingranulate aus edlem Marmor
    4. Regional presence, making even relatively small projects cost-effective
    5. Durability that meets the requirements of the project
    6. Professional implementation of tender specifications and of the creative ideas of designers and clients
    7. Flexible adaptation to time schedules and short construction periods


      • Diverse design possibilities
      • Homogenous surface thanks to jointless laying
      • Course grain structure ensures optimal drainage
      • Consistently high quality with minimal wear
      • Flat, barrier-free surface
      • A complete system with a long service life
      • Easy cleaning and care
      • Excellent weather resistance
      • Durable and abrasion-resistant
      • Human and environment compatible
      • Slip-resistant surface
      • Comfortable to walk on
      steinteppich kaufen


      Further information about:

      PEGASTONE Natural Stone Surfacing

      PEGASTONE Natural Stone Surfacing


      PEGASTONE Natural Stone Surfacing

      Product Brochure

      Vertrieb Elastikprodukte

      Marco Kutscheidt

      BECO+49 (0) 911 64200-39