Beco Bermüller


    Fundraising campaign

    The recent floods in Germany destroyed entire regions, hundreds of people lost their lives and thousands lost all their possessions. The images showed great suffering and despair. The damage, much of it not covered by insurance, runs into the billions.

      HOME 5 News 5 Fundraising campaign

      Solidarity is still needed! The District Council of Rotary Clubs in Germany has set up its own relief fund to provide direct and unbureaucratic support.

      We at BECO BERMÜLLER have collected money for this relief fund and we are delighted to be able to donate almost €2,000.

      If you would also like to support us, you can find more information under this link:

      The more than 1,000 Rotary clubs in Germany are divided into so-called districts. Districts 1810 and 1900 include the clubs in the affected regions. The close regional proximity and the Rotary organisation's many years of experience in dealing with donations ensure that the donations arrive where they are needed without any deductions.