Beco Bermüller

Flat roofs

Roofs with an inclination of less than 10 degrees are classified as flat roofs. Flat roofs can be put to use in many different ways: as a roof terrace, or a greened area that serves as an ecological retreat for animals and plants, or as a rainwater retention area. Greened flat roofs also improve the microclimate in towns and cities. In densely populated inner-city locations, in particular, flat roofs therefore have an important role as usable and, ideally, greened open spaces.

The various functional layers of the flat roof must be suitable for the intended use. The critical role here is played by the roof sealing – and its protection against damage. Special systems that incorporate root-barrier membranes, drainage mats, non-woven fabrics and structural protection mats have found application here. Such systems allow flat roofs, garages, carports, shopping centres, underground car parks or commercial buildings to be safely and reliably greened.

Flat roofs
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All products in the range Flat roofs

Flat roofs
BEDRAIN Drainage Grids
BEDRAIN Drainage Grids are pressure-resistant drainage grids made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with non-woven fabric bonded on one or both sides, specifically for use in drainage applications under high compressive loading.
Flat roofs
BEDRAIN Drainage Mats
BEDRAIN Drainage Mats comprise a three-dimensional random arrangement of polypropylene (PP) monofilaments. They are used for drainage, as surface drainage systems, in green roofs, for foundation wall protection, in landfill sites and in tunnel construction.
Drainage membrane
Flat roofs
Droptec Protection and Drainage Membrane
DROPTEC is a high-quality protection and drainage membrane with a bonded non-woven filter layer; for use in difficult drainage situations in intensive and extensive green roof systems on flat roofs. The protection and drainage membranes form part of the green roof system.
Trenn Vlies
Flat roofs
BETEX TP Non-woven Fabrics
Non-woven fabrics are the archetypal geosynthetic. Depending on the structure and composition of the fabric, they can be used as a filtering, separation and/or protective layer in highway construction, buildings, civil engineering, gardens and landscaping.
Flat roofs
REGUM Structural Protection Mats
REGUM building protection mats made of polyurethane-bonded rubber granulate protect high-quality waterproofing in building construction and civil engineering from mechanical impact. The material is water-permeable, fully loadable immediately after rolling out or laying, weather-resistant and absolutely rot-proof.

Technischer Fachberater

Sven Müller

PLZ 80 – 85 | 90 – 97

BECO+49 (0) 174 3050062

Technischer Fachberater

Burkhard Reker

PLZ 32 – 36 | 40 – 48 | 50 – 67

BECO+49 (0) 174 3050053

Technischer Fachberater

Jörg Waldenmaier

PLZ 68 – 79 | 86 – 89

BECO+49 (0) 174 3050060

Technischer Fachberater

Ralf Pape

PLZ 20 – 31 | 37 – 38 | 49

BECO+49 (0) 174 3050057