Beco Bermüller

Flood protection

Climate change is leading to more frequent extreme weather events such as floods, storms and droughts worldwide. Heatwaves, droughts and heavy rainfall are also increasing in Germany and Europe. Flood disasters demonstrate the importance of effective flood protection, which not only protects people and the environment but also prevents economic damage.

Previous measures against floods of the century are often inadequate. In many regions, dyke systems and retention basins have to be rebuilt or extended as existing dykes are no longer state of the art. The increase in heavy rainfall events sometimes requires sophisticated special solutions. Future flood protection measures require products and solutions that can be realised quickly, economically and sustainably. Industrially manufactured geobuilding materials and system solutions are particularly suitable for this purpose.

Flood protection

Alle Produkte im Bereich Hochwasserschutz

Hochwasserschutz Vorsorge
Flood protection
Precaution and planning
The prevention and planning of flood protection measures should aim to construct resilient and sustainable structures with a long service life and sufficient dimensions for the increasing trend of extreme events.
Hochwasser Soforthilfe
Flood protection
Immediate help
Immediate measures are measures to be taken at short notice in the event of hazardous situations caused by extreme precipitation. These include, for example, the installation of mobile flood protection systems, the sealing or erosion protection of dams against softening and overtopping, as well as the stabilisation and restoration of the passability of soaked access routes and dyke defences. stabilising and restoring the passability of soaked access routes and dyke defence paths.
Hochwasser Nachsorge und Sanierung
Flood protection
Aftercare and refurbishment
After the flood is before the next heavy rainfall event. In addition to the precautionary planning and improvement as well as the renovation of affected and hydraulic structures affected, the main task after flood damage is to rehabilitate elementary infrastructure. Geocomposites can be used for the reconstruction of washed-out roads, slipped embankments and for raising dams.

Anwendungstechnik Geobaustoffe

Sebastian Schiller

MSc. Geow.

BECO+49 (0) 911 64200-29

Anwendungstechnik Geobaustoffe

Fridolin Sturm

BSc. Geow.

BECO+49 (0) 911 64200-46