Beco Bermüller


    NEW: GARDENFLOOR LIVING synthetic turf

    Hard-wearing, easy to care for and extremely water-permeable. GARDENFLOOR LIVING artificial garden turf is a true infiltration master, as it is many times more water-permeable than ordinary artificial turf.
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    HOME 5 News 5 NEW: GARDENFLOOR LIVING synthetic turf

    GARDENFLOOR LIVING is the infiltration champion among artificial garden turfs.

    Artificial turf in general already offers many advantages. Our latest model goes one better!

    • Reduces surface sealing due to its extremely high water permeability
    • Robust knit
    • Ideal for pets
    • Odourless
    • 100% recyclable by type

    GARDENFLOOR LIVING sets new standards in the field of artificial garden turf.

    Further information