Beco Bermüller

Weed control

Every beautifully designed garden or park requires significant work and year-round maintenance. One of the most disliked tasks is weeding, as dandelions and other unwanted plants can quickly take over perennial beds, vegetable plots, gravel paths, and green strips. While hoeing can temporarily control weeds, it takes time and often creates a growth-friendly environment for new weeds.

Chemical herbicides are now restricted in many areas due to environmental concerns and legal regulations. Instead, physical methods like weed barriers and root barriers offer a better solution. These barriers block sunlight or restrict root growth, effectively controlling weeds without harmful chemicals, while still allowing water and air to pass through.

Weed control

All products in the range Weed control

Weed control
GARDENCOVER Weed Barrier Fabric
GARDENCOVER is a black, tightly-woven barrier membrane which allows water but scarcely any light to pass through it. Weeds cannot continue to proliferate in the areas covered with GARDENCOVER, since there is insufficient sunlight.