
TERRAMESH steep slope systems

The increasing demand for land for infrastructure and development has become a key factor in construction planning in recent decades. This makes it necessary to find the most space-saving, cost-effective and attractive solutions possible for the construction of steep embankments and wall structures.

Here, geosynthetic-reinforced earth systems provide an ecological and economic option for the construction of embankments with attractive facings. The main purpose of geosynthetic-reinforced earth is to ensure the stability of steep constructions by inserting reinforcement layers.

In recent years, the use of particularly robust reinforcing materials such as steel has proven effective, in combination with a high degree of pre-assembly of the individual elements.

With the TERRAMESH system solution, the reinforcement is positioned and the face of the structure formed in one continuous construction process. The defining parameters, such as the inclination or the appearance of the slope face, can be tailored to suit the individual structure.

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Your advantages

Funktionsicon schnipsende Hand in weiss

A complete system with a long service life thanks to robust materials

Icon Stoppuhr in weiss

Quick and easy installation

Minimum workforce and machinery requirements


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Thanks to pre-assembly in the factory, TERRAMESH system solutions offer a range of benefits in comparison to other reinforced earth construction methods:

  • Easy handling on site: The elements are supplied with the required type of facing and are folded and placed flat onto pallets for delivery. On site, they can be carried manually to the installation location and easily positioned.

  • Quick installation of the system: At the installation location, the elements are unfolded and the pre-assembled facing is folded up. The pre-assembled inclination triangles act as a construction aid so that the facing can be easily set at the correct angle. Neighbouring elements are clamped together at the horizontal and vertical joints to create a strong form-fit bond.

  • Extremely reliable handling on site: Because the parts are pre-assembled, there is no need for manual jointing or cutting of the individual components on site. Assembly errors on site are practically ruled out thanks to the simple folding technique used for the pre-assembled elements and the easy attachment of the bracing hooks in accordance with the installation instructions.

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There are four different TERRAMESH systems:

GREEN TERRAMESH – the steep slope reinforcement system that is suitable for planting: The system is installed using the wrap-around principle. The steel wire mesh encases the layer of soil laid on top of it. For inclinations up to 70°.

MINERAL TERRAMESH 5x5 – the reinforcement system with a stone backfill behind the front. For inclinations up to 85°.

TERRAMESH DUO – the system solution that has fold-up facing elements on both sides and is laid in layers to create a wall. For inclinations up to 80°.

TERRAMESH SYSTEM – back-anchored gabions: Here, the steel wire mesh forms the rear-anchored tail, the base, facing and lid of the gabions. For inclinations up to 90°.

Because the system is pre-assembled, rapid progress is made on site, even with minimal deployment of personnel and machinery. The reduction in construction time is reflected not only in the costs, but above all in the reduced impact on people and nature. Furthermore, the elements are so easy to handle that they can be installed easily and cost-effectively even in locations where access is difficult.


Grafik Terramesh Green Terramesh

GREEN TERRAMESH – the steep slope reinforcement system that is suitable for planting

GREEN TERRAMESH is a prefabricated modular system made of hexagonal double-twisted wire mesh with duplex protection. The system components comprise a wire mesh with a welded steel grid mat as permanent formwork, pre-bent inclination triangles made of round steel, bracing hooks made of round steel, and an erosion control mat. All essential components are pre-assembled in the factory and can be simply positioned on site, fixed in place and then filled with layers of suitable soil.

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Product versions

Two different types of erosion control mat are available as standard:

  • The EARTH version has an erosion control mat made of brownish-coloured, glass fibre fabric.
  • The WATER version features a rot-proof, synthetic, non-woven mat.

In order to provide the most cost-effective solution possible, two types of steel wire mesh are available, with different tensile strengths:

  • The short-term tensile strength is at least 35 kN/m in the case of the LIGHT version
  • and at least 50 kN/m in the case of the REINFORCED version.
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For the planting, the space behind the permanent formwork of the facing must be filled with vegetative soil. For example, a gravel lawn mix 0/22 pre-mixed with seed that can grow in low-nutrient habitats would be suitable here.

All GREEN TERRAMESH systems can be used for a wide range of support structures with a slope face suitable for planting and a resulting inclination of up to 70°. A stepped structure with berms can be constructed to create whatever inclination is required.


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MINERAL TERRAMESH 5x5 – steep slope reinforcement system with stone facing

Like the GREEN TERRAMESH, the MINERAL TERRAMESH system comes ready assembled and its main components also include a double twisted steel mesh with duplex protection, galvanised steel gabion mats (mesh size 5 x 5 cm) as permanent formwork, inclination triangles, and bracing hooks.

In contrast to the GREEN TERRAMESH, however, the MINERAL TERRAMESH does not require an erosion control net on the front face, since the coarse stone fill material (grain size > 80 mm) and the durable steel wire mesh protect the facing against erosion.

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Product versions

In order to provide the most cost-effective solution possible, two types of steel wire mesh are available, with different tensile strengths:

  • The short-term tensile strength is at least 35 kN/m in the case of the LIGHT version
  • and at least 50 kN/m in the case of the REINFORCED version.

Stone fill

As with the GREEN TERRAMESH, the space behind the facing needs to be filled with a different material. To achieve a gabion look, frost-resistant facing stone with a minimum grain size of 80 mm is used, with a non-woven filter fabric (such as BONTEC NW 26) behind it to hold back fine particles and prevent clogging.

All MINERAL TERRAMESH systems can be used for a wide range of support structures with a gabion appearance and a resulting inclination of up to 85°. A stepped structure with berms can be constructed to create whatever inclination is required.


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TERRAMESH DUO – the versatile protection wall system

Like the GREEN TERRAMESH, the TERRAMESH DUO system comes ready assembled and its main components also include a double twisted steel mesh with duplex protection, welded steel grid mats with inclination triangles and bracing hooks as permanent formwork, and an erosion control fabric.

The TERRAMESH DUO, however, has fold-up facing elements, at inclinations of 60°, 70° or 80°, on both sides. The individual elements are dimensioned such that they create a prismatic wall structure when installed in layers.

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As a wall to protect against rock falls, debris flows, avalanches and mudflows, TERRAMESH DUO is particularly reliable. Due to its capacity to absorb energy, the TERRAMESH DUO system even offers effective protection against multiple, very heavy impacts without sustaining any structural damage.

As a noise protection wall, TERRAMESH DUO ensures excellent noise reduction thanks to its earth-filled structure and full-surface greening. In contrast to conventional noise protection walls, TERRAMESH DUO has a comparatively smaller contact surface, while still ensuring a natural and attractive appearance. As a noise protection structure, TERAMESH DUO is allocated in accordance with DIN-EN 1793 to the classification A3/B3.

As with the other TERRAMESH systems, TERRAMESH DUO protection walls are easy and cost-effective to install. Even high walls can be constructed with structural stability using this system.


Front design greenable stone facia
Wire double twisted steel wire mesh
heavily galvanized with Galmac (Zn-Al5% alloy), and polymer coating
Wire diameters LIGHT
2,2 mm / 3,2 mm with coating
2,7 mm / 3,7 mm with coating
2,2 mm / 3,2 mm with coating
REINFORCED 2,7 mm / 3,7 mm with coating
Mesh width ca. 8 x 10 cm ca. 8 x 10 cm
Front panel round steel with 8,0 mm diameter galvanized steel with 5,0 mm diameter
Steel mounting brackets round steel with 8,0 mm diameter round steel with 8,0 mm diameter
Steel tie rods round steel with 6,0 mm diameter galvanized steel with 6,0 mm diameter
Erosion control
Geosynthetic three-dimensional geomat
or woven fabric inchain mesh with weft insertion
Inclination up to 70° up to 85°

Area of Application

The modular TERRAMESH system is suitable for a wide range of applications in the most diverse areas of road construction, civil engineering, building construction and hydraulic engineering. Due to the small space requirement during installation and easy handling, the system is an excellent solution for making difficult-to-access construction projects easily and economically.


Cycle path extensions

Terramesh Fahrbahnverbreiterung

Road widening


Landslide remediation


Shore protection


Construction of retention basins


Site expansion

Terramesh Felswandsicherungen

Rock wall protection

Terramesh Deponiefußversteilungen

Landfill footings

Terramesh Schutzwälle gegen Naturgefahren

Protection walls for natural hazards


Noise protection walls


Slope stabilization

Abfangen von Geländesprüngen

Interception of terrain changes


Sustainability is a key issue in the construction industry and is becoming increasingly important. TERRAMESH system solutions make it possible to use resources more efficiently, lower CO₂ emissions in the construction industry and reduce energy consumption.

Environmentally friendly and EPD-certified.
Terramesh Nachhaltigkeit

Long service life

Thanks to their high quality, TERRAMESH system solutions have a long service life of 120 years.

Saving resources and protecting the environment

GREEN TERRAMESH provides a natural habitat and absorbs CO2 through its vegetation. The use of available soil material reduces the consumption of resources and saves on material transportation during the construction phase.

Positive effects on the environment

With proven sound absorption, TERRAMESH system solutions are also an advantageous solution in terms of noise and sound insulation. In addition the GREEN TERRAMESH variant offers permanent vandalism protection against graffiti sprayers and the saving of recurring renovation costs.


Terramesh Nachhaltigkeit
  • Long-lasting complete system
  • Robust materials
  • Complete load transfer without any special connection techniques
  • Safe and reliably encased overall system
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Minimum workforce and machinery requirements
  • Cost-effective construction method


Further information about:
TERRAMESH steep slope systems

Field Reports

Beco Gtm Braunsbach Img 1360 1440x961px

Field reports

Braunsbach – Begrünbare Steilböschungskonstruktion mit Bermen

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Beco Blaichach File1 38 1440x961px

Field reports

OA 29 Ausbau zwischen Blaichach und Burgberg

Das Steilböschungssystem GREEN TERRAMESH ermöglicht den vergrößerten Ersatzneubau des Straßendammes, für das Brückenbauwerk über die Iller und vierspurige B19, ohne eine Verbreiterung des...

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Bild Praxisbericht Systemlosungen 17 02 005

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Steilböschungssystem zur Herstellung eines begrünten Straßendammes

Sanierung der Kreisstraße K 9 Abschnitt 3 um einen kombinierten Geh- und Radweg durch GREEN TERRAMESH Steilböschungssystem...

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Bild Praxisberich Systemlosungen 18 02 001

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Fahrstreifenerweiterung Knotenpunkt A73/B303 bei Ebersdorf

Verbreiterung eines Fahrstreifens durch die Systemlösung TERRAMESH in Gabionenoptik...

Zum Praxisbericht


TERRAMESH steep slope systems

TERRAMESH Steep Slope Systems

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Braunsbach – Sanierung nach Sturzflut

Praxisbericht Steilböschungssicherung mit GREEN TE...

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